What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Yet another common question we are asked is “What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.” Well, let’s break this question down into two parts, and look at the answer. First, let’s explore Hormone Replacement Therapy (or HRT for short). HRT has been around since the 1940s with the advent of Premarin. Premarin is a combination of estrogens made from pregnant mare (as in horses) urine. Early in its lifespan, Premarin was shown in short-term studies to help combat the bone loss associated with osteoporosis. Then along came the 1960s with the advent of hormonal birth control pills. These pills consisted of estrogen along with a synthetic progesterone called progestin. As you can see, some of these therapies are organic in nature (like pregnant mare’s urine) while others are synthetic (like the progestins). Versions of all these substances combined to make up early treatments for Hormone Replacement Therapy. Now, let’s fast forward to the modern-day. Research has shown that taking synthetic hormones and even organic-based hormones like Premarin can lead to dangerous side effects such as blood clots or stroke. Today, there is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (or BHRT for short). What does that mean, “Bioidentical?”. Bioidentical means that the hormones are