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By accessing or using this website, you agree with the following terms, conditions, statements, disclosures, and policies, and you acknowledge that through this website Hormones by Design provides no medical or legal advice:

Medical Advice:

This website is owned and operated by Hormones by Design. Hormones by Design’s intention is to provide information to the public about Hormones by Design, its goals, and methods of operations, and to interface with existing and potential researchers in the field we support, namely research into the origins, diagnosis, treatment, cure, and prevention of illness, non-optimum conditions and various related disorders.

Hormones by Design’s website does not provide medical advice of any nature, specific or general, nor the suggestion of any diagnosis or treatment, nor the endorsement of any physician or medical facility mentioned herein. Nothing herein is intended to or should serve as a substitute for medical advice or diagnoses rendered to you by your individual doctor or other health care provider. Only a licensed physician should evaluate your situation, provide a diagnosis, or render other medical advice to you, and you should act only upon the advice of such a physician. Medical treatment should be sought immediately upon the onset of symptoms, without regard to the content of this website. By accessing the website, you acknowledge that any decision to use any content or service available through this website or to take or not take any action based on information contained herein is your sole decision, based on your independent evaluation. Similarly, Hormones by Design is not liable for any action you may take based on any advice the provider of which claims to have relied on medical information contained herein. Further, Hormones by Design is not liable for your reliance on any information published in any medium by any other institution or organization identified in any manner on this website.

As to the materials presented on this website, Hormones by Design makes every effort to ensure that its sources of information are accurate, reliable, and up-to-date, but it makes no express or implied warranties or representations that the information contained herein is correct, complete, unbiased or useful. Hormones by Design is not liable for any errors or omissions in the materials herein presented or for any use you or others may make of the materials presented. Results of research funded by Hormones by Design are made available through the website and Hormones by Design is not responsible for the content or conclusions of said research. You understand that the views of any researchers expressed on this website or in those external websites to which Hormones by Design has created links, including with respect to research funded directly or indirectly by Hormones by Design, do not necessarily represent the views of Hormones by Design, its board of directors, officers or employees and cannot be assumed to do so.

Treatment Resources

The website’s listing of healthcare institutions that provide medical care in the area of illness, non-optimum conditions, and various related disorders do not in any way signify the endorsement or recommendation of those institutions by Hormones by Design, its governing board or its officers; nor does the listing express any warranty or representation by Hormones by Design as to the quality of the services available at said institutions; nor does the listing indicate approval or recommendation by Hormones by Design of any particular person associated with any of such institutions. Hormones by Design offers no qualitative information of any sort on any institution listed. Hormones by Design does not provide ratings of any of the listed institutions and no rating or ranking is to be inferred by the user from any wording or order concerning the treatment resources identified. The listing is provided as a convenience to you and other users, each of whom must determine in his or her sole discretion whether to contact, consult with, or utilize the advice or resources of any listed treatment resource, as well as any institution, health care provider or other treatment resources not so listed.

Links to Other Organizations and References to Specific Persons

As a courtesy, Hormones by Design provides links to certain outside websites that it believes contain information and material that may be helpful to you and others. The provision of links to the websites of other organizations that deal with issues related to illness, non-optimum conditions, and various related disorders does not indicate any endorsement of the linked organization or of the content or purposes of that organization by Hormones by Design. Hormones by Design is not responsible or liable in any way for the representations, warranties, materials, research, products, services, actions, activities, negligence or malfeasance of any listed organization. Further, Hormones by Design is not liable for any action you or others may take based in any way on any information contained in any linked website, nor for providing the link. Terms of use governing the linked websites are provided on those websites. Once you use a link to access a linked organization’s website, you are subject solely to the privacy and use policies of that organization, and we suggest that you review the privacy and use policies of each linked website directly.